Who You Gonna Lead?
Published: 4/7/21
By: Andrew Neyer
According to Seth Godin, a tribe needs two things:
• A shared interest
• A way to communicate
These two things were the basis for creating the IRL, a growing catalog of our team's inspirations, resources, and discoveries to be easily and tastefully distributed. Too often, we overlook genres or ignore valuable content because it wasn't presented to us properly. By changing the style of delivery, we can expand our input and create more meaningful connections.
Godin also points out that a crowd is a tribe without a leader.
Crowds want to be led (they cheer for it or boo when they don't get it). That is why leaders have followers. Because we want to follow. Good leaders are what we need. The best way to lead is to:
• Solve problems
• Enrich culture
The best part is that it isn't about your skills; it's about how you show up and your commitment to changing culture.
"Tribes, though, aren't about stuff. They're about connection."
– Seth Godin, Tribes
Rewinding through my journal, I found notes from last year on the company's long-term goals, focus, and strategy. One of the critical pivots was applying the filter of education to our work:
• Staff = Students & Fanatic Faculty
• Lean, well-rounded, and responsive Staff
• Faculty can maintain minimal viable orders
• Students are recruited based on excess orders
• Faculty trains Students to complete Production and leverage themselves outside our campus
• The focus is not long-term employment
• The goal is for Students & Faculty to connect to their passions
• Production work is the education
• Students rotate and graduate
• Invest heavily into a campus w/ Artist Residency
• Self-build to hone instruction and test principles
Our weekly Production work is a case study for continuous improvement (Kaizen). Throughout each day, we strive to improve our output by omitting wastes. All while taking time as a team to discuss our interests and publish content we love. The moments we spend sharing meals, kayaking, hiking, laughing, walking, traveling, learning, and teaching each other creates a tribe. Creating these moments is the greatest value you can add to the campus.
"If we want to teach others, we must continually educate ourselves. We are merely a conduit. Our input determines our output."
– Chuck Wagons III
Devo poses another perspective to the dilemma of being a leader or follower from their 1980 title track Freedom of Choice:
“Freedom of choice
Is what you got
Freedom from choice
Is what you want”
"The easiest thing is to react. The second easiest thing is to respond, but the hardest thing is to initiate."
– Seth Godin, Tribes
The answer to leading is choosing to lead. You can start today. Keep pulling those threads, and change things that do not work.
– Who are you following?
– Who are you leading?
– How can you make deeper connections?
– Does adding flour to yogurt enrich culture?