Fan Art
Published: 9/30/20
By: Cory Pavlinac
1 a: something given or contributed voluntarily as due or deserved especially: a gift or service showing respect, gratitude, or affection
b: something (such as material evidence or a formal attestation) that indicates the worth, virtue, or effectiveness of the one in question
Source: Merriam Webster
A friend of mine recently released a full, song-for-song, tribute album of Brian Wilson’s Smile that he recorded entirely on his own over the course of several years. It was an incredible feat to learn all the songs, reinterpret parts that he wouldn’t have been able to replicate without access to the equipment and studio Wilson used, record, mix, and master everything himself. But maybe what I was most impressed with was the deep and intense love of something that would compel him to undertake such a huge task…mainly, for the fun of it.
It got me thinking, “is there anything that I care about that deeply to pay tribute to in that way?” Not because of how it would reflect on me, but just because it is such a part of who I am and has influenced me in such a lasting way that I needed to express my gratitude and admiration to it for myself, and maybe for others who feel the same. Musical tributes are common. But a tribute could also be making a meal your mother used to make when you were growing up that you loved, or getting a tattoo of a piece of art or the name of a loved one, an inspiring quote, etc.
– Have you ever listened to Brian Wilson Presents Smile?
– Have you made a tribute to someone or something?
– Would you like to? What would you do?