How-to Design Everything
A ten-week course highlighting Good Design and inspiring a holistic problem-solving approach. First, we’ll dive into ourselves by asking, “Who am I?” and “What do I love?” Next, we’ll define our tastes using sets of rules within Play and publish a case study proof. Then, we’ll Rewind to look for ways to improve and re-improve our publication by honing your inventoried skills.
Ⓢchool > $chool
Revenue ≠ Profit
Hard ≠ Bad
Andrew Neyer
“Everything is designed.”
“An experimental rollercoaster ride through the Internal™ with frequent, loony detours.”
– Vikram
“My least favorite part of this class was that I now expect every teacher to care as much as you do, and I can clearly see they don’t.”
Theory & Methods of Design
Common Furnishings
INDL 4010
Class Info
Tuesdays, 9:00–12:00
Tools Required
Andrew Neyer
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